i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 6:32:05 GMT
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🎼 Heavy Rainfall – Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Original Soundtrack

HAVING JUST TRANSFERRED to Petalburg City as its Ranger Captain, assists with the frontline defense with her SYGNA SUIT in tow. However, the Kantonian Rockets are more brutal than expected. They lay siege to the city, burn its forests, and decimate humans and Pokemon alike.[break][break]

After a scathing demotion from Kanto's Team Rocket, comes face to face with her former comrades. Her desire for power becomes ravenous, and as she faces off against , a prominent Ranger of the Hoenn League, she will stop at nothing to make her mark.


ATTACHED BELOW is a map of Petalburg City and Route 104.[break][break]


BELOW IS A POOL OF PROMPTS you can touch upon. Some prompts are particularly important, connected to other prelude threads happening concurrently with yours.[break][break]


[attr="class","prompt0"]🌳 Nearby Kantonian Team Rocket NPCs may recognize and/or make remarks about , for she was a Kantonian Rocket before.

[attr="class","prompt0"]🌳 seeking power, will be able to steal 's BEEDRILLITE; however, she does not need to keep it. Instead, it can be transferred to an NPC Rocket off-screen or to another player character's Rocket character (this can be plotted out by RaikouRider at a later date). OOCLY, this can result in a FREE MEGA STONE (REDEEM IN SITE SHOP) for (though she still needs to purchase a Mega Stone Accessory to use it).

[attr="class","prompt0"]🌳 despite the eventual loss of PETALBURG CITY, will still be considered Petalburg's Ranger Captain; the infrastructure of the ranger organization will not shift when a city is lost.

[attr="class","prompt0"]🌳 may communicate with at the end of the thread about updates from her end, but receive no response. however, she may receive responses from , and even fellow rangers like .

[attr="class","prompt0"]🌳 at least one Pokemon from and must faint.

[attr="class","prompt0"]🌳 at the end of the thread, a large earthquake will interrupt the warfront.





  • Keep track of your MERIT POINT GAIN in your post notes as best practice.
  • Please be diligent with your posting (48 hour turnaround is encouraged) in order to prevent rushing at the end.
  • Review general guidelines and PVP guidelines in the main thread: THE FIRST WAVE: PRELUDE SIGN-UPS.
  • If a thread begins to stagnate and show signs of stalling, please let know immediately.

The link to The First Wave MP Shop[break]by CLICKING HERE.




COMPLETING THE PRELUDE THREAD with five posts each will grant you the following reward:

[img src="" title="1X MEGA SHARD" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;float:none;"][break][break]

Please attempt to complete the Prelude Thread[break] by July 31st, 11:59PM PST.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.topocorner]background:url(''); width: 573px; height: 405px; position: relative; z-index: 0; margin-bottom: -405px; margin-left: -34px; margin-top: -35px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.promptsection]border-left: 1px dashed #aaa; margin-top: 20px; padding-left: 20px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.prompt0]background: #2b2b2b; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-radius: 5px; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.omgen blockquote]background-image: url(; position: relative; z-index: 1;[/newclass]
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 16:26:44 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar

What a first major operation to be thrown into after being transferred to Petalburg. While it was unclear which city was larger, Petalburg was in a much more strategic location, being the closest major city to Hoenn's rural southwest. Controlling Petalburg would be effectively controlling those cities. The pressure was on, and the Sygna Suited green-ette would rise to the occasion.

Once terrified of the sound of buzzing wings, the townsfolk would come to appreciate it, as it was a sign of the Captain patrolling or otherwise assisting them. The city's north gate had been set alight by Kantonian Rocket agents, and if she wasn't quick to respond, the fires would spread to Petalburg Woods -- and her sanctuary, the Romping Grounds.

Despite the dangers of fire, the Captain utilized Queen Zing, her Beedrill, to repel Team Rocket. The extremely quick insect was just as brutal as Team Rocket was, stabbing agent after agent with her rear stinger and making them feel like their insides were on fire from the venom.

Sandy, her Flygon, landed next to Shalin, her scales dancing with a faint green aura of Infinity Energy similar to her trainer's suit. She took a seat on the blue-eyed wasp -- and not just anywhere. Through the perfected bond between her and her Flygon, she mounted the menacing-looking Pokémon by the wing: an absurdity that may have witnessed.

As she waited for the flow of Infinity Energy to pick up and form a BUG ZONE surrounding her, the Captain placed a call to Petalburg Dispatch. "Dispatch, Captain Nariya. We need Rangers and water Pokémon to put out fires by the north gate. If we don't hurry, they'll spread to Petalburg Woods and burn the whole forest down," she urged, quickly advised that help was on the way.

Posting MP: 10
Mechanical MP: 10 (SYGNA)

{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Queen Zing    Beedrill**     Good
Lathiel       Type: Null     Good
Prower        Floatzel**     Good
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
Dizzy         Starmie        Good

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October 26
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TAG WITH @himiko
Yamaguchi Himiko
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 3:47:16 GMT
Yamaguchi Himiko Avatar
The marching feet of Rocket grunts everywhere filled the path leading to Petalburg. The trees around them were subject to a growing forest fire. They had began to employ scorched earth tactics in order to draw the rangers away from the city to deal with them. Among the force of grunts was Himiko, silently marching along with the Kantonian Rockets as they had continued to march towards the city. The forces had split up into smaller teams, poised to start as many fires as possible.

Sitting on top of her shoulder was her Salandit, the dual type aiding the other fire types in their destruction of the forest. A hand came up to scratch her small head in affection. She had been pushing herself with the forces here, surprising everybody else by her abilities to tend to most of the flames here into a widespread fire.

"You're doing good, girl. Hang in there and we've got this."

The woman continued along until one of the grunts had noticed the presence of a ranger in the area. And not just any ranger either. Himiko hadn't really been too familiar the entire roster of upper rangers, not did she really care. They were lapdogs of the actual important people at work, footnotes in the after battle report that was this operation. So at the chance to grasp power for herself, Himiko charged forward in the direction of the ranger.

There she was, standing atop the biggest Beedrill that she had ever seen. The Kantonian stared up in amazement. The price for this specimen alone would have been enough to secure a way back home once her superiors could catch sight of it. The potent venom that could be brewing inside of that stinger made the Rocket all the more eager to crack it open. It was her best shot at getting back home and one of the main reasons why she was even in this war. Rouge the Salandit appeared to share the same thoughts, and opened her mouth to charge a sudden blast of flame inside of her mouth.

Beside Shalin, a torrent of flame shot through the air and began to spread flames throughout the vicinity. The Salandit looked up at the opposing Pokemon while Himiko let out a soft whisper.

"You've got quite the Beedrill there, Ranger." Himiko said. "I think it would be a better fit in my hands, though. So I'll be taking it off your hands now. Unless you think you can stop the forest fire we're currently making."

10 MP Posting MP
50 MP have an antagonistic exchange of dialogue between your character and another writer's character or NPC.
60 MP Total

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March 18
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 5:35:11 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Sandy squealed upon sighting the fire attack headed in the Shiny Beedrill's direction. That alert was all Queen Zing needed to zip out of the way of the attack headed toward her, the Flygon and synced partner coated in a bright, green light. Shalin was a streak of green atop the Beedrill's droning wing, her sense of touch suppressed from the wasp's powerful vibrations. The sound may well have been deafening for , whom Shalin doubted was used to it.

Rather than directly attacking at first, Queen Zing flew back and forth in an effort to buzz the Salandit with her wings reinforced by Sandy and the SYGNA SUIT Shalin wore. A fly-over with the empty wing striking the poison-type might sting quite a bit. The real maneuver the duo were aiming for was to buzz the Salandit with the wing the Captain sat on, turning her own body into a dangerous weapon by virtue of her hanging legs kicking just as rapidly as the wing was vibrating!

50 MP showcase your own character's strength(s) meaningfully.

Posting MP: 20
Mechanical MP: 10 (SYGNA)
Narrative MP: 50

{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Queen Zing    Beedrill**     Good
Lathiel       Type: Null     Good
Prower        Floatzel**     Good
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
Dizzy         Starmie        Good

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October 26
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TAG WITH @himiko
Yamaguchi Himiko
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 1:23:22 GMT
Yamaguchi Himiko Avatar
Once the Beedrill had turned to face her, Himiko winced at the ear piercing noise that had taken the Rockets around her by storm. Clutching an ear to keep at least one way to hear others, the Rocket growled in defiance.

"Noisy little shit, aren't you?"

She spat out as the Flygon and Beedrill neared close by. The rider on top of it sat on the wing, in some strange and suicidal kind of tactic, while buzzing about in the area around them. The Salandit scurried about, on edge as the two Pokemon outnumbering it. Once the two had wandered closer, the Salandit raised her head to spit out a VENOSHOCK at the approaching Beedrill and its riders. The other ranger's boot met with the the poison type as she passed, sending the Salandit rolling away. Now thoroughly angered, Himiko growled at the display.

"Fine, two can play at this game."

She threw out another Pokeball, calling out her Zoroark as it stomped onto the field. The ghost-type pumped itself up for the battle at hand, cradling the ground as it would lighten its body of any loose debris and kinks. Readying itself to increase its speed, Onna saw the Beedrill as its direct opponent, ready to contest it in a battle of speed alone.

10 MP Posting MP
70 MP Total

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March 18
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 22:08:31 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Shalin, now a streak of green light atop the Beedrill's wing, was moving too fast to be able to see or hear . It may have appeared suicidal to the florist, but that was far from the truth; such was the power of a SYGNA SUIT. It let its wearer do the impossible through the power of a perfected bond with their Pokémon.

Even in her suit, the vibrations were incredibly disorienting, Shalin not even able to feel the venom contact her from below right away. It was only when she felt abrupt changes in her mount's wingbeats that she realized she had been hit. Her entire body felt like jelly as the poison-coated wings had to work harder to keep the duo aloft.

Queen Zing, seeing her new opponent, raised her rear stinger in an effort to stab the Zoroark with it, mistaking the ghost-type for a Unovan Zoroark. Were the FELL STINGER to find purchase, she would churn her wings as fast as she could, her Flygon's BUG ZONE making her mount's wings churn almost overwhelmingly fast.

Posting MP: 30
Mechanical MP: 10 (SYGNA)
Narrative MP: 50

{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Queen Zing    Beedrill**     Fair
Lathiel       Type: Null     Good
Prower        Floatzel**     Good
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
Dizzy         Starmie        Good

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October 26
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TAG WITH @himiko
Yamaguchi Himiko
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2024 20:38:19 GMT
Yamaguchi Himiko Avatar
Himiko had to admit that resting on the wings of on bug type going so fast was near impossible without the use of some kind of outside help. She wasn't one to go and jump on board, liquefying her innards in the process. She'd just have to bid her time and wait for an opening.

"Not one for conversation, huh?"

The Hisuan Zoroark leaned forward, almost beckoning for the Beedrill to attack. Once it was attempting to rush her with its FELL STINGER, Onna raised her arms and caught the attack just before the stinger could plunge inside of its body. The force had pushed the Zoroark back, her hind legs digging into the ground as the tip of the stinger gently traced around her stomach. Onna grinned at the bug-type before its body started to emit a dark aura around itself, using BITTER MALICE.

The Salandit, meanwhile, would skitter back from its recent attack and with something to prove. The salamander-like Pokemon hopped on top of the back of the Beedrill's abdomen, then make its way to the thorax and start nibbling at the bug type's neck.

10 MP Posting MP
80 MP Total

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March 18
Ecruteak City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2024 17:47:52 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
It wasn't that Shalin wasn't much for conversation; she couldn't hear when she was moving too fast to clearly see or be seen. Though the main attack had failed, the Zoroark would be subject to intense, numbing vibrations if they grabbed the stinger.

Even with her Sygna Suit, there was only so long Shalin could endure the fastest vibrations her Beedrill was capable of, as well. She held on as long as she could before the Infinity Energy began to fade, a sign that her suit was reaching the bottom of its metaphorical tank. The wings slowed to a stop, letting Shalin slide down from the one she was seated on... no sooner than the aura of BITTER MALICE striking Queen Zing harshly that snapped her out of her dizziness.

She withdrew the tired Flygon, who had pushed herself to her own limits fueling their team attack. Even with their bond at its peak, working together to unleash some of the loudest and most pounding vibrations Hoenn had ever seen was tiring for both. With her SYGNA SUIT inert, she was vulnerable for a time, as was her Beedrill. The window to act was short; any sort of follow-up attack, whether from the Salandit or the Zoroark, would result in disaster.

The girl reached for her MEGA CIRCLET, both her and her Beedrill glowing with a purple-pink light...

50 MP have your character be injured by another's pokemon directly or indirectly.

Posting MP: 40
Mechanical MP: 10 (SYGNA)
Narrative MP: 100

{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Queen Zing    Beedrill**     Critical
Lathiel       Type: Null     Good
Prower        Floatzel**     Good
Sandy         Flygon         Poor
Saria         Venusaur       Good
Dizzy         Starmie        Good

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October 26
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TAG WITH @himiko
Yamaguchi Himiko
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2024 20:03:57 GMT
Yamaguchi Himiko Avatar
The Zoroark had been strong enough to repel the Beedrill's thrust to avoid her chest being punctured. The retaliation had been successful enough to deter the opponent away, as the bee and her rider back away slowly. Her eyes locked onto the Salandit on top of the Beedrill while her toothy grin grew wider.

While the ranger and her mount would begin to bask in a great light before them, Himiko shielded her eyes from it. The Salandit on top of the bug-type, however, would tilt its head at the mega stone embedded in its saddle. Rouge spat out another short burst of poison with VENOSHOCK, coating the saddle in a hissing, acidic byproduct. Once, done, the Salandit bit into the part of the saddle containing the mega stone and pried it loose. With her quarry successfully thieved, she skittered away back to her owner.

Once slithering up her leg, Rouge deposited the pilfered mega stone in Himiko's hand. She held it up, minding the poisonous saliva coating the treasure.

"Oh? What have we got here?" Himiko said, flicking the mega stone through her fingers, taunting the ranger. "I think it looks better on me than you, don't you agree?~"

Onna would take the opportunity to then swing her claws down at the Beedrill with a fierce SHADOW CLAW.

10 MP Posting MP
90 MP Total

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March 18
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2024 4:11:53 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
The purple-pink light grew brighter and brighter, Queen Zing absorbing Infinity Energy from Shalin's MEGA CIRCLET into the BEEDRILLITE embedded in her saddle. She would have been invigorated, had Rouge not acted quickly and dissolved the leathers holding the stone fast. As soon as the Salandit removed the Mega Stone, the Mega Evolution process ceased, the Beedrill collapsing in a heap from exhaustion. Onna's SHADOW CLAW would only lengthen the Shiny wasp's Pokémon Center visit. Thankfully, the Zoroark inflicted no lasting injuries.

When flaunted the pilfered Mega Stone, Shalin grew furious. Hurling the Poké Balls containing two of her strongest partners, a towering Venusaur and a Type: Null emerged from them. Without hesitation, the Captain sat on the end of one of the grass-type's extended vines, grabbing onto the thick pod at the end of it with both legs and hands. In her recklessness and RAGE, the Venusaur's SYNC STONE glowed a brilliant green. She let out a primal scream as her partner drew the giant vine back.


The long appendage snapped with sickening force, Shalin moving so fast that her body was as effective of a cutting tool as the POWER WHIP itself was. The air itself shuddered around her, her surroundings turning completely silent as the Venusaur's vine went supersonic for a split second. She didn't aim to cleave the Rocket's arm in two; the precise whip strike aimed to knock the Mega Stone out of her hand.

Posting MP: 50
Mechanical MP: 10 (SYGNA)
Fainting MP: 50
Narrative MP: 150

50 MP have your character experience great fear, hatred, envy, or have a grudge worsen.

{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Queen Zing    Beedrill**     KO
Lathiel       Type: Null     Good
Prower        Floatzel**     Good
Sandy         Flygon         Poor
Saria         Venusaur       Good
Dizzy         Starmie        Good

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October 26
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TAG WITH @himiko
Yamaguchi Himiko
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2024 5:45:07 GMT
Yamaguchi Himiko Avatar
The Beedrill was out of the way, causing Himiko to cast the Ranger a knowing smirk. She tossed the mega stone between both hands while Onna delivered the casting, final blow. With the biggest trump card dealt with, the grunt had a slightly better chance of things going her way.

"Aw, did your little Beedrill faint so easily?" she said in a mocking tone, akin to baby talk. "Poor wittle mute wanger. How about you actually try harder?"

The response was to bring out two more Pokemon in front of her, ones that caught the Rocket's eye. A Venusaur and one of those freakish artificla pokemon she had heard so much about. She laughed, throwing her hip to the side as a Sharpedo erupted from its ball, teeth gnashing at the paters before it. Himiko laughed and held up the Beedrillite before her.

"I don't know if you realize it, but bringing out a grass-type's not going to-"

Instantly, a vine came directly at her, causing her to sidestep in an attempt to dodge. The attack had stuck her directly in the shoulder, jerking the arm up as her grip on the mega stone slipped and rocketed into the back of her throat. Himiko's eyes widened as she stumbled onto the ground, trying to dislodge the item blocking her throat.

The Salandit switched targets to the Venusaur, quicking firing off a gyser of fire with FLAMETHROWER. The Zoroark rushed to her trainer's side, trying to help her cough up the megastone, while the SHarpedo charged directly at the Type: Null itself with a TAKE DOWN.

10 MP Posting MP
50 MP Have your character make a regrettable decision.
50 MP Have your character be injured by another's pokemon directly or indirectly.
200 MP Total

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 16:01:16 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
The full power of Shalin's Sygna Suit wore at even her. Even with the bond with her Venusaur at its peak, Infinity Energy could only do so much against the disorientation from being flicked about at supersonic speed. The Salandit still stood, belching fire in a wide radius toward Shalin and her Sygna Pokémon. Knowing there was little she could do to avoid the burning attack, she did what she could to get her trainer out of the way: whirling the vine Shalin was atop before recklessly flinging its DOUBLE-EDGED pod toward the Salandit in a deafening crack that easily could have heard.

Saria's SYNC STONE felt like it was burning as much as her leaves were from the Salandit's attack. While suits were designed with harnessing large amounts of Infinity Energy in mind, Shalin's was very spiky in its energy demands. For a split second -- the precise moment of the whipcrack -- the energy consumption rate far exceeded her suit's specifications. She largely understood the circumstances now, which is why she had to make this last flick of the vine count.

Tired from the exertion and burning sensation, Shalin stumbled off the biological whip once it had stopped moving. Her focus remained on the Venusaur, waiting as long as possible to recall the grass-type. For she knew once the Infinity Energy left her, she would not be in very good shape.

Wholly unaware of choking on the Mega Stone due to coming down from her Infinity Energy high, it took a howl-roar from Lathiel to snap her back to reality. The Sharpedo had the normal-type in hideous shape post-TAKE DOWN, a bruise forming on her side. Unable to keep her attention on both, and with the flames spreading, Shalin had little choice but to withdraw her Venusaur. With it, the Infinity Energy sustaining her disappeared, her legs buckling as she struggled to remain on her feet. Just as she fell in her dizziness, Lathiel began to glow with a multicolored light, a loud thud echoing from her as the normal-type cast aside her retainer, revealing her true form.

With Lathiel unrestrained, Shalin knew what she needed to do. Producing her ring of SILVALLY MEMORIES, she activated the yellow one of the eighteen, the newly-evolved Silvally biting, raking, and goring toward the Sharpedo in an electrified MULTI-ATTACK.

Posting MP: 60
Mechanical MP: 10 (SYGNA)
Fainting MP: 50
Narrative MP: 200

50 MP showcase a meaningful moment between your character and their Pokemon.

{PC: 6}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Queen Zing    Beedrill**     KO
Lathiel       Silvally       Good
Prower        Floatzel**     Good
Sandy         Flygon         Poor
Saria         Venusaur       Critical
Dizzy         Starmie        Good

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October 26
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TAG WITH @himiko
Yamaguchi Himiko
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 2:09:44 GMT
Yamaguchi Himiko Avatar
Poor Himiko wasn't having the most ideal experience here, choking on a mega stone as her Zoroark worked endlessly to free it from the inside of her throat. The Sharpedo had managed to get enough speed to smash into the side of the Type: Null, damaging itself from the recoil, though anothing but a minor bruise. It gnashed its teeth against at his opponent, beckjonging it to come at it again.

But just as things were turning in their favor, the Pokemon surrounded itself in a bright energy, causing Himiko to take her attention away from choking long enough to see what was going on. No sooner had it come out of its shell did the light draw away to reveal the true form of the synthetic Pokemon.


The Zoroark had punched her in the gut with enough force to knock her breath away. the force of which caused her to spit up the mega stone just in time for the ghost to catch it. Now fully able to breath again, Himiko fell into a coughing fit. The odds were against them both, especially as the Sharpedo was smashed with an electrical Multistrike, fainting from the sheer power of the attack.

"Tch, beginner's luck." she asked, gritting her teeth. "Rouge! Clear out this area! We're falling back!"

The Salandit began to expel a purple smog around the area, using POISON GAS as the area around them filled with toxic, overwhelming gas. Himiko took a breath and shoved her face into her uniform short, recalling Sharpedo back to his Pokeball. She turned tail, collecting the mega stone from the Zoroark and beginning to make a run for it.

While not entirely able to outrun some mute and her caravan of Pokemon, all she had to do was to get back to the main forces and she'd likely retreat. Nobody was suicidal enough to try and take on an entire army alon, especially one gladly turning most of the forest into a charred reminder of what it was like to cross Rocket.

The Zoroark ran alongside her, keeping Shalin and her forces at by with another SHADOW BALL.

10 MP Posting MP
50 MP for getting your Pokemon knocked out in your prelude thread.
260 MP Total

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 17:54:37 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Just when Shalin thought she would have to dissect the choking Rocket's body to retrieve her Mega Stone, the Zoroark had ejected it back into its ethereal claws. A golden opportunity to retrieve her precious stone, squandered due to her exhaustion from an Infinity Energy overload. and her Salandit had disappeared behind a veil of POISON GAS.

Mission accomplished, but at what cost? Queen Zing was in terrible shape, and both of her Sygna Pokémon were exhausted from their exertion against Rocket. She had a legendary ally on her side now, Lathiel triumphantly sending her retainer flying into the woods with a CRUSH CLAW. Worried for her two Sygna Pokémon, Petalburg's Captain climbed aboard Lathiel and sent a radio message to . "Derek, Captain Nariya. The northern district's secure for now, but I'm not in good shape. Medical aid is needed. Pokémon with antidotes are ideal, over."

Deafening silence followed. "Derek, Captain Nariya, do you read me? Over." Still silence. "Derek, Captain Nariya--"

Before she could respond, a gigantic earthquake knocked Shalin off her steed, not even Lathiel able to remain on the ground. The shaking earth sent the Silvally flying into a shattering window, glass raining upon her. Blood dripped from her skin in multiple spots. As the earth repeatedly slammed into both of them, the girl reached for Dizzy's Poké Ball in an effort to get airborne with the Starmie, but could not steady her hand enough to press the switch.


has lost her BEEDRILLITE. Until she procures a replacement or recovers the original, her BEEDRILL will be unable to MEGA EVOLVE.

Posting MP: 70
Mechanical MP: 10 (SYGNA)
Fainting MP: 50
Narrative MP: 200
Completion MP: 100
Victory MP: 200


{PC: 7}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Queen Zing    Beedrill**     KO
Lathiel       Silvally       Fair
Prower        Floatzel**     Good
Sandy         Flygon         Poor
Saria         Venusaur       Critical
Dizzy         Starmie        Good

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October 26
Celadon City, kanto
7 height
7 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @himiko
Yamaguchi Himiko
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2024 3:20:43 GMT
Yamaguchi Himiko Avatar
Himiko ran across the burning forest as her Salandit and Zoroark continued to dash through the hedges and underbrush while trying to keep distance between them and the freshly evolved Pokemon. Rougue let out a hiss and rode on top of Himiko's head, continuing to spread its POISON GAS across the way.

"We're almost there. Keep her off of us, Onna."

The Zoroark growled while watching the other two run off with the Silvally behind them. They had a few yards just from the poisonous smog alone, but things could happen! They had to get to the checkpoint and everything would be okay! They continued on with the encampment in sight as the Zoroark barked out in relief. Himiko smirked with the mega stone in hand.

Then, the ground beneath them shook violently. Her feet scrambled to remain upright before falling directly on the ground. Trees fell down around them, with Rockets falling back and away from the falling structures. Pokemon around them fall, trees smashing some poor rockets below them while cracks in the ground were painted on by whatever the source had been.

"What WAS that?!" Himiko asked, looking up to see the remnants of the camp currently attempting to collect themselves and search for whatever may have caused the extreme case of the earthquake.

10 MP Posting MP
100 MP Thread Complete
300 MP Rocket Loss
680 MP Total

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